988 - Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
988 is a three-digit emergency number for behavioral health crisis.
First Episode Psychosis
North Dakota First Episode Psychosis (FEP) programs helps individuals who have recently experienced the first onset of psychotic symptoms. FEP programs work with individuals and their families to help understand the illness and develop skills to help them live healthier and happier lives.
ND Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program
ND Pediatric Mental Health Care Access Program. If you're a primary care provider who has pediatric patients with behavioral health concerns, we are here to support you in delivering the critical mental health screening and evidence-based treatment they need.
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities (PRTF) Licensing
The licensing of PRTFs by the Behavioral Health Division helps to ensure health and safety and compliance with minimum standards in care and treatment of all children placed in the facility.
Voluntary Treatment Program
The Voluntary Treatment Program (VTP) provides out-of-home treatment services for Medicaid-eligible children who have serious emotional disorders without parents having to give up custody to the courts or to social services.